
                                        Maple-tree viewing 紅葉狩り


We read the autumnal tints and yellow leaves, 紅葉or黄葉, koyo in Japanese. When autumn comes, a deciduous tree leaf changes its color to red and yellow from green. Colored leaves 紅葉koyo, the maple kaede are other name for maplesもみじ. The leaf came to be written as maple, もみじmomiji after the Heian era. Maple-tree viewing紅葉狩り means people enjoying colored leaves紅葉 and taking a walk. Kyoto has three places called Sanbi三尾 including Takao 高雄(尾), Makinoo 槇の尾and Toganoo 栂ノ尾 Umegahata in Ukyoku,Kyoto京都市右京区梅ヶ畑 where the beauty of three colored leaves can’t be beat by any other places in Japan. Kozanji-Temple高山寺, restored by Myoe-shonin 明恵上人 (a holy priest) and famous Shingonshu school真言宗 temple Jingoji-Temple神護寺 are famous for splendid colored leaves, but they are also famous for the many treasures in the temples at the same time. In particular, the national treasure of Cho-Ju-Giga 鳥獣人物戯画 of Kozanji-Temple高山寺 is famous, but it was restored to the original state neatly and displayed in Kyoto National Museum last autumn and was opened to the public. Many people flocked from the whole country to see the exhibition, including my friend Nagaoka and me. We got in a long line and though pushing saw 4 story picture scrolls of funny but wonderful satire. It was the first time I saw the pictures in Kozanji-Temple高山寺 since my college days. For Mr. Nagaoka it had been more than 10 years. It is said that nothing cynical can affect the pleasant feeling one gets when viewing picture-story scrolls of excellent animals drawn in funny ways by a brush with a light touch. Especially for Nagaoka, since his hobby is drawing caricatures of frogs, it seemed to be thoroughly interesting. Last year, when we went to Kyoto Museum exhibition hall, we wished to go to Kozanji高山寺 after a long time, if possible. We discussed and decided to go this fall. And also our friend Mr.Iisaka served as our tour guide for sightseeing of colored leaves紅葉狩り.


On Thursday, November 11, we left our house early in the morning for Kozanji高山寺.

Let me introduce a day of the maple-tree viewing紅葉狩り with my photos.

By the way, we drank and ate yudofu for dinner at Chikusen竹仙 restaurant in Seiryoji-temple清涼寺 of Arashiyama, Sagano嵐山嵯峨野.







                                    Kyoto Sanbi 京都三尾



                      ♫ 女ひとり


                  歌 デューク・エイセス

                  詞 永六輔

                  曲 いずみ たく

                  2) 京都栂尾高山寺







           Toganoo 栂の尾 

            高山寺 Kozanji


            Kozanji Temple
            Kozanji Temple

    高山寺蔵 国宝 鳥獣人物戯画絵巻 Scroll of Frolicking and Humans , Choju-giga 
    高山寺蔵 国宝 鳥獣人物戯画絵巻 Scroll of Frolicking and Humans , Choju-giga 


          Makinoo 槇の尾

                                 西明寺 Saimyoji


     Saimyo-ji Temple
     Saimyo-ji Temple

                                                              SAIMYO-JI TEMPLE


 Three ridges called Takao, Makino-o and Togano-o form the area and are located in the northwest corner of Kyoto. The clear water of the Kiyotaki River streams over rocky beds at the foot of these mountains and presents a scene only possible in a valley. Makino-o is noted as one of the best places in Takao and its vicinities to appreciate tinted maple trees. These places are so well-known that evry fall crowds of people visit the temples located here, attracted by a superb scene of autumnnal colors which stretch as far as the eye can see.

 Saimyo-ji was founded in the Tencho Era (824-834) by Chisen, who was one of the ten disciples of Kukai. In front of its main gate, several stone lanterns are interestingly set in a row. The main building housing the sanctuary was rebuilt by Keishoin, the mother of the 5th Tokugawa Shogun Tsunayoshi. In this building there are enshrined the main statue of this temple which is Shakanyorai carved by Unkei, modeled after a statue of Saga Shakado Temple, and a statue of Kannnon having 1.000 hands designated as an Important Culture Asset.

 After enjoying the view in Saimyo-ji Temple, people can walk to Takao Jingo-ji Temple and

Togano-o Kozan-ji Temple enjoying a view of the Kiyotaki River seen down on their left or right. Since ancient times these places have been described in Japanese literature including poems.   


       Kiyotaki River 清滝川と川床、ゆどうふ料理を楽しむ人たち
       Kiyotaki River 清滝川と川床、ゆどうふ料理を楽しむ人たち


            Takao 高雄

                                  神護寺 Jingoji


     散紅葉 長岡敏雄氏撮影 Fallen Maple Leaf
     散紅葉 長岡敏雄氏撮影 Fallen Maple Leaf

         Mr. Iisaka and Mr. Nagaoka
         Mr. Iisaka and Mr. Nagaoka


   Book5 No.42 "Scroll of Frolicking Animals and Humans" Exhibition 鳥獣戯画展、ご覧ください。

                 Kozanji temple 高山寺

                 Scroll of Frolicking and Humans, Choju-giga 鳥獣戯画

                 Jingoji Temple 神護寺

                 Jingoji Temple 神護寺

                 高雄の紅葉 Maple tree in Takao

                 Saimyouji 西明寺

                                                  Seiryoji 清涼寺

                   Seiryoji Chikusen 清涼寺竹仙



                Ankoku-zenji, Toyooka, Hyogo
                Ankoku-zenji, Toyooka, Hyogo
           Eizan Railway in Kyoto
           Eizan Railway in Kyoto
                 Tofuku-ji Temple, Kyoto
                 Tofuku-ji Temple, Kyoto
                 Kyoto Botanical Garden
                 Kyoto Botanical Garden
         Hino River, Tottori
         Hino River, Tottori
         Arashiyama, Kyoto
         Arashiyama, Kyoto

                                   Seiji Fujishiro 藤城清治

                    藤城清治 Seiji Fujishiro

                      藤城清治展 Seiji Fujishiro Exhibitio                                            

                                                           藤城清治作品集 Works of Seiji Fujishiro 

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     San Francisco Japanese-Americans ask why city needs a ‘comfort women’ memorial

                                                                                                                                   by   Kyodo Article history


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