
    The flower language by which Japanese heart attracted

                                          from Asahi Shinbun 

The flower language to have a symbolic meaning to plant, origin is not clear, but in Western Europe and has been used in the tactics of love since the middle ages. It is said that a lot of books of the flower language are published in the 19th century and were raging. The rose of the first place of the ranking means ”love” but it is said tttthat colors are different, and the yellow rose is “jelousy”. Seven roses are “secret love”, and 11 roses “seem to be beloved”. When it investigates the origin of that, in Europe in the 19th century, it is like the beginning that unevenness appeared by a country and writer published then. The phalaenopsis by which the rank was made about 2 is familiar by an opening celebration in Japan, but to send a phalaenopsis in Europe and America means indicating the best love. It’ll be a carnation of about 8 to be probably learned about most in the flower language. It means “love to mother”. “Without forgetting me”, but an English is also “forget me not” for a myosotic of about 9. The flowe language may be the items that imagination is stirred to that adults who is living in severe reality.

By the way, the flower language that is liked by Japanese is,

1. Rose: beauty, love

2. Phalaenopsis orchid: I love you, happiness splashes

3. Gypsophila: pure love

4. Lily of the valley: purity, coming of happiness

5. Amur Adonis: leads happiness                                            

6. Tulip: sympathy

7. Poinsettia: praying luck, blessing

8. Carnation: love to mother, lasting love

9. Cherry blossoms: spiritual beauty, graceful lady

9. Forget-me-not

11 Chinese bellflower: continuous love, honesty 12 Plum: noble, faithfulness 13 sun flower: stare in the face only you 14 Violet: modesty, sincere 15 Cymbidium: unaffected heart, simplicity 16 Cyclamen: bashful, shy 17 Cosmos: maiden sincerity, girl’s true heart 18 Orange osmanthus: modesty, humility 19 freesia: innocence 20 Campanula: thanks, gratitude

Which do you want to recommend of those “beauty of Japan” to foreign tourists?

The question to say;

Autumn leaves 33%              Sakura 67%

Cherry tree party was absolutely predominant.    




 植物に象徴的な意味を持たせる花言葉。起源ははっきりしないが、西欧では中世以降恋愛の駆け引きに使われ、19世紀には花言葉の本が多数出版されて大流行したという。1位はバラ、「愛情」を意味するが、色が黄色のバラは「嫉妬」だそうで、7本のバラは「密かな愛」、11本のバラは「最愛」だそうだ。花言葉は起源を探ると19世紀に欧州で多くの花言葉の本が出版され、このとき出版された国や筆者により、ばらつきが出たのが発端のようだ。2位のコチョウランは日本では開業祝いなどでお馴染だが、欧米ではコチョウランを贈ることは最高の親愛を示すことを意味する。おそらく花言葉で最も知られているのは8位のカーネーションだろう。母への愛を意味する。9位のワスレナグサは「私を忘れないで」、英名も forget me not で、花言葉は厳しい現実を生きる大人が想像力をかきたてられるアイテムなのかもしれない。さて、日本人に好かれる花言葉とは、、、

1位  バラ  美・愛情

2.   コチョウラン あなたを愛します・幸福が飛んでくる

3.  カスミソウ 清らかな愛

4.  スズラン  幸福の訪れ・純潔

5.  フクジュソウ 幸せを招く

6.  チューリップ  思いやり 

7.  ポインセチア  祝福・幸運を祈る 

8. カーネーション  母への愛・生きた愛情など 

9.  サクラ  精神の美・優美な女性 

9.  ワスレナグサ  私を忘れないで 

11位以下は キキョウ(変わらぬ愛・誠実・従順)、12 ウメ(高潔・忠実・忍耐)、13 ヒマワリ(あなただけを見つめる)、14 スミレ(謙遜・誠実)、15 シンビジューム(気取りのない心・素朴)、16 シクラメン(内気・はにかみ)、17 コスモス(乙女の祈り)、18 キンモクセイ(謙遜・気高い人)、19 フリージア(無邪気な)、20 カンパニュラ(感謝・誠実さ)   

                      心ひかれる花言葉 朝日 2015 Oct.24
                      心ひかれる花言葉 朝日 2015 Oct.24

                  Port of Kobe by Harumi Abe

 セレブリティ・ミレニアム Celebrity Millennium が中国からの客を一杯乗せて!24日朝11時やって来た






                                                      13th Night's Moon Drops


                   Celebrity Millennium

            Celebrity Millennium
            Celebrity Millennium

                                       兵庫県立美術館 Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art 

                                             Japan sees record number of overseas tourists in

                                                                                                                            by TOMOKO OTAKE Article history Staff Writer 

A total of 1.82 million people arrived in Japan in October, a record high and up 43.8 percent from the same period a year ago, the Japan National Tourism Organization announced Wednesday. The increase was aided in part by the continued depreciation of the yen and a surge in the number of Chinese visitors. During the 10-months through the end of October, the number of arrivals reached 16.31 million, also a record high, which means arrivals for 2015 could hit the 20 million mark, the highest annual number ever. The duty-free system for inbound tourists, an expansion of airline routes, a fall in fuel surcharges and the relaxation of visas are among the reasons contributing to the record arrivals, the JNTO said. By country, October arrivals logged record highs among tourists from 17 markets — with the exception of those from Russia, whose numbers fell by 23.4 percent to 5,299. Of the 1.82 million total, travelers from China topped the list with 445,600 arrivals, nearly double the figure the same month last year. Arrivals from South Korea came in second, with 370,800, up 43.8 percent, followed by 343,600 from Taiwan, up 32 percent. Meanwhile, January-October arrivals from China reached 4.28 million, marking the first time ever that travelers from any country topped 4 million within a year. JNTO said the number of cruises from China rose to 46 this past October, up from 12 the same month last year. The number of flights connecting Chinese cities and Tokyo and Osaka continue to rise, according to JNTO. Many South Koreans came during the three-day weekend from Oct. 11, while autumn leaf-viewing tours to Hokkaido and Tohoku proved popular among travelers from Taiwan. Elsewhere, the Japan Tourism Agency said Wednesday that the number of duty-free shops across the country grew threefold in the year through Oct. 1 to 29,047.


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