
 竹田城跡 (写真、長岡敏雄氏)  Takeda-jo Castle Site
 竹田城跡 (写真、長岡敏雄氏) Takeda-jo Castle Site

   4-7-8 breathig method from Harvard University which Prime Minister  

   Shinzo Abe is trying 

                           from Weekly Shincho Sep.19, 2015


 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ( 60 ) who has spent a few days on the security treaty bill deliberation in the Diet in a tight space, should be worried about his physical condition, but now he fits a healthy practice into his routine. This practice is the 4-7- 8 breathing method from Harvard University. He survives days in the Diet, where the air is stifling, by using this breathing method. " I am doing rules of health as 4-7-8 breathing method now. I feel relaxed when I do this. By using this health method, I endure the investigation from the opposition party in the Diet. If I had known about this earlier, I might have finished without jeering at the opposition.  He showed the breathing technique after inviting laughter in this way. A person associated with the official residence said, " For Abe who has the chronic diseases ulsertive colitis an uneasy opinion of his health lingers. Always wanting to sweep concern away, he talks about his breathing technique. When we watch the Prime Minister closely including playing golf in the rain, Mr. Abe appears really healthy."

 Andrew Wilde, a health medical researcher from Harvard university, proposed the 4-7-8 breathing method approximately 20 years ago. After having exhaled completely with the mouth, you inhale with the nose for four seconds and hold your breath for seven seconds and finally slowly exhale through the mouth for eight seconds. Abe himself said, "When I repeat this at least four times, mind and body can be relaxed together. When I acquired the 4-7-8 breathing method, it seemed as though it could no longer be a dream to fall sleep in one minute after going to bed. The ideal breathing ratio is considered to be exhaling twice as long as inhaling. The Parasympathetic nerve is stimulated by exhaling for a long time, and a relaxation effect is born, and concentration increases. The ratio of the air intake to exhalation and the expiration is also 1 to 2 in the 4-7-8 breathing method of Prime minister Abe, isn't it? says Akira Uchikoshi, directer of Uchikoshi medical clinic. "I think that it is good for mental wellness and general physical health by exhaling for a long time and the 4-7-8 breathing method is constant rhythmic movement." "It can be very difficult to accurately control the timing for a beginner, and it is unexpectedly painful in particular to hold ones breath  for seven seconds. Please find the rhythm that suits oneself." Professor Yasushi Kakizaki of Bunkyo Academy says.

  It seems to be very difficult to master the breathing method. " Still more traing seems to be necessary for Prime Minister Abe to reach the level of falling sleap in one minute.

 Shall I try it, too ?    


           安倍総理がハマった ハーバード発 4-7-8呼吸法








     天空の城 竹田城址、兵庫県朝来市 Takeda Castle, Asagi city , Hyogo
     天空の城 竹田城址、兵庫県朝来市 Takeda Castle, Asagi city , Hyogo

         竹田城址 Takeda-jo Castle Site, Hyogo

                                          日本のマチュピチュ Machu Picchu と言われる竹田城址     



                                 " Dream of the Old Castle" by Toshio Nagaoka


      霧に浮かぶ竹田城 Takeda-jo Castle inthe Fog
      霧に浮かぶ竹田城 Takeda-jo Castle inthe Fog

 兵庫県朝来市和田山町の国史跡・竹田城で16日朝、雲海の中に石垣が浮かび、城跡を望む立雲峡では、観光客から歓声が上がった。竹田城跡は「天空の城」と呼ばれて人気となり、市は観覧時間を午前4時~午後5時とし、午前8時までは徒歩でしか登れない。見学通路と指定場所以外は立ち入り禁止で、来年1月4日~2月は入山が禁止される。                                                    読売、2015年10月16日

   夜空に輝く天空の城竹田城  2015 12.20 Castle of Takeda, Hyogo,  in the Night
   夜空に輝く天空の城竹田城 2015 12.20 Castle of Takeda, Hyogo, in the Night

                                                         竹田城 Takeda Castle

             天空の城、郡上八幡城 Gujouhaciman Castle, Gifu

天空に浮かぶ三田市と有馬富士 Sanda city on the sky & Arima-fuji, Hyogo 10/4
天空に浮かぶ三田市と有馬富士 Sanda city on the sky & Arima-fuji, Hyogo 10/4
          Tourist in Kansai is Increasing among this 3 years
          Tourist in Kansai is Increasing among this 3 years




              サファイア・プリンセス Sappiire Princess 


Japan’s overseas tourist arrivals surpass those of last year in just nine months

                                                by  Staff Writer Article history          

The September visitor count grew 46.7 percent over the same month last year to a record 1.61 million.

The total, which continued a run of over 40 percent month-on-month growth since February, brings the total visitors in the first nine months of the year to 14.5 million, surpassing the annual record of 13.4 million last year.

September’s strong growth was driven in part by a 99.6 percent increase in Chinese visitors, totaling 491,200. The Chinese were followed by 115,200 Hong Kong visitors, an increase of 64.9 percent over the same month last year.

The month’s increase was helped by a dramatic jump in the number of cruise ship arrivals, which grew to 50 vessels from the 16 last year, bringing in 124,000 visitors compared to the 35,000 in the same month a year ago, according to a spokeswoman for JNTO, a tourism-ministry affiliated organization tasked with promoting inbound tourism.

China, South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong represent the top four nations for visitors to Japan, making East Asia JNTO’s area of focus, the spokeswoman said. Increasing the number of flights from inland airports in China has also contributed to the continued strong growth, she added.

The growing number of foreign visitors means tourism has become an area of focus for the government’s economic growth policy, with the upcoming 2020 Tokyo Olympics expected to be a major draw.

The Visit Japan program, started in 2004, is targeting 20 countries and areas including Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand and Singapore, as well as the United States, nations in Europe such as Germany and France and four leading East Asian territories.

September saw visitors from all countries and territories except Indonesia and Russia reach record levels for the month.

JNTO is expecting robust growth in October as well, helped by major national holidays in China, South Korea and the Philippines. It also expects the scenic beauty of the mountains with the changing fall colors to attract more visitors.

While Japan continues to see record numbers of inbound visitors, there is still large room for growth. In the ranking of nations in terms of the annual total visitors for 2014, the nation ranked number 22 globally and seventh in Asia with travelers totaling 13.4 million, according to U.N. World Tourism Organization statistics.

That compares with the 83.7 million who traveled to France, 74.8 million who traveled to the United States and the 65.0 million who traveled to China, the top three nations on the list.

Visitor numbers have increased gradually but steadily in Japan since WWII. But since the 26.8 percent jump in 2010, annual rates have been unusually high — with the exception of 2011, the year of the nuclear disaster at Fukushima No. 1 power plant — bringing a total increase of 29.4 percent in 2014.

Visitors totaled just 0.4 million in 1964, the year of the first Tokyo Olympics.

The Tourism Agency cited, among other reasons for the increased numbers for the past fiscal year, the introduction of a strategy that steps up efforts to advertise local attractions outside of Tokyo, rather than the more traditional tourist sites, to promote demand.

                                                          Let's go to Taiwan!

                       Kanazawa, Kaga and Noto Guide
                       Kanazawa, Kaga and Noto Guide

Disaster agency develops drone for rescue efforts

                                                                JIJI   Sep 22, 2015

The unmanned aircraft will fly on preset routes for about 30 minutes. The information they collect will be used to find safe and quick rescue routes for distressed civilians.

The agency will ask a manufacturer to produce two drones based on the prototype. It plans to assign them to two fire departments by March, officials said.

The agency developed the prototype in response to demand for video images taken from above since it is often difficult to locate people in need of rescue, according to an official in the agency’s National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster.

In disaster areas, debris and changes in terrain often disrupt rescue efforts. Drones can fly at low altitudes in places where helicopters have difficulty approaching and survey the situation quickly and in detail.

The prototype is about 1 meter long and weighs about 3.5 kg. It can carry up to 2.5 kg of equipment, such as cameras and toxic gas detectors.

Using GPS, the drone follows a flight route programmed in advance with a personal computer. During flight, the aircraft is able to send photos and videos to the human operators, and it is possible to create three-dimensional maps of disaster areas from the transmitted image data.

“Quicker rescue will raise the survival rate,” an agency official said of the program’s benefits.

                                                                                                                                                      Japan Times

 My nephew Keita from Virginia, USA visit my house and took photo of my house view Sep. 28

                   South of my house's Panorama photo : Daytime 昼
                   South of my house's Panorama photo : Daytime 昼
                      South of my house Panorama : Morning 朝 
                      South of my house Panorama : Morning 朝 
                      South of my house Panorama : Night 夜
                      South of my house Panorama : Night 夜
                      West of my house Panorama : Morning 夜明け
                      West of my house Panorama : Morning 夜明け

      Day and Night, Panoramaic Photograph from My House by Keita Ikeda 

ハルカス60階展望台で圭太君と 60 Floor of Harukas 300 Tower With Keita 
ハルカス60階展望台で圭太君と 60 Floor of Harukas 300 Tower With Keita 
       四天王寺 Shitennnouji Temple
       四天王寺 Shitennnouji Temple
   梅田、大阪駅方面 Osaka Station and Umeda Area
   梅田、大阪駅方面 Osaka Station and Umeda Area

         Keita Ikeda 池田 圭太
         Keita Ikeda 池田 圭太

               新世界と天王寺公園 Shinsekai and Tennouji Park
             新世界と天王寺公園 Shinsekai and Tennouji Park

   大阪駅と梅田方面 Osaka Station and Umeda Area
   大阪駅と梅田方面 Osaka Station and Umeda Area
        四天王寺 Shitennouji Temple
        四天王寺 Shitennouji Temple

     大坂城と大阪城公園 Osaka Castle and Park
     大坂城と大阪城公園 Osaka Castle and Park
  通天閣と新世界 Tsutenkaku Tower and Shin Sekai Town
  通天閣と新世界 Tsutenkaku Tower and Shin Sekai Town

  天王寺公園と市立美術館 Tennouji Park and City Museum
  天王寺公園と市立美術館 Tennouji Park and City Museum
          神戸方面 Kobe Direction
          神戸方面 Kobe Direction

         天王寺公園 Tennouji Park
         天王寺公園 Tennouji Park
    大阪駅と梅田界隈 Osaka Station and Umeda Area
    大阪駅と梅田界隈 Osaka Station and Umeda Area

            大阪湾 Osaka Bay
            大阪湾 Osaka Bay
          神戸方面 Kobe Direction
          神戸方面 Kobe Direction

    西宮、神戸方面 Nishinomiya, Kobe Direction
    西宮、神戸方面 Nishinomiya, Kobe Direction
   新世界と通天閣 Shinsekai Town and Tutenkaku Tower
   新世界と通天閣 Shinsekai Town and Tutenkaku Tower

       大阪市立美術館 Osaka City Museum
       大阪市立美術館 Osaka City Museum
   大阪駅と梅田方面 Osaka Station and Umeda Direction
   大阪駅と梅田方面 Osaka Station and Umeda Direction

   弁天町の高層ビル Benten-cho and Tower Building
   弁天町の高層ビル Benten-cho and Tower Building
        JR 天王寺駅 JR Tennouji Station
        JR 天王寺駅 JR Tennouji Station

            Harukas 300 あべのハルカス 
            Harukas 300 あべのハルカス 
       大阪港の夕日 Osaka Bay Sunset 
       大阪港の夕日 Osaka Bay Sunset 
           58 Floor 58階
           58 Floor 58階

     六甲山と西の眺め Mt. Rokko, Western District
     六甲山と西の眺め Mt. Rokko, Western District
         通天閣 Tsutenkaku Tower
         通天閣 Tsutenkaku Tower

            Mt. Rokko and Kobe City 神戸方面と六甲山
            Mt. Rokko and Kobe City 神戸方面と六甲山


   The Birth of Nishiki-e: Ukiyo-e Masterpieces from the Philadelphia Museum of Art 

                                                            Abeno Harukas Art Museum

 From the Philadelphia Museum of Art's stock of more than 4000 original ukiyo-e paintings, 150 have been selected and shipped home for their biggest simulatioeous introduction ever. Iconic artists of the style featured here include Harunobu, Sharaku, and Hiroshige. Five events are also scheduled.

                             Open: 10am-8pm Tues-Fri, 10am-6pm Sat-Mon and holidays ・ Closed: 10/19,26 ・ Admission: \1300 ・ Access: JR Tennoji Stn 


                あべのハルカス Abeno Harukas Tower

                  通天閣 Tsuten-kaku Tower

     Mr.Nagaoka sent me an E-mail of Abeno Harukas's View Movie 

       池田 様   29日のハルカス300の展望台での動画の一部をYouTubeにアップしました。


                                               View from Abeno Harukas

   We had a Lunch at Daruma Restaurant at Shinsekai area お昼は新世界の達磨の食堂で串カツを食べた。



                                               Never Drip in the Sauce Two times !

            Kushikatsu Daruma Restaurant Receipt 新世界 だるま


            Famous Glico Ciikie’s Signboard , Doton-bori, Osaka
            Famous Glico Ciikie’s Signboard , Doton-bori, Osaka

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